Jari | The CEO
A born leader, Jari’s skills include extended lunch hours, paid vacations, and mergers and acquisitions.

Luis | Marketing Guru
Luis spends his days dreaming of nabbing the top spot on strategy. We think he’s on to something.

Genius | Creative
When Genius smile, her creative juices running with a wild heart! "Creativity is contagious, pass it on" – Albert Einstein
We are part of the New Global Adventures team that is creating awesome race experiences around the world and doing our small part to give back and make the world a better place.
In addition to the virtual races here at Virtual Kids Run, we organizing real race events, including the VALENCIA Trail Race, SPACEROCK Trail Race, Sugar Daddy Race, Silver Moon Race, Arts Run, Be The Light 5K, and Grit OCR in Southern California. Plus we have helped create and organize International race phenomenon events such as Run The GREAT WALL, Four Sisters Ultra, Wuyi Trail Race, Taiping Lake 100, Shangri-La Marathon & Ultra, and Yunnan Puzhehei Marathon in China.
We are a team of creative and geeky people who also happen to be passionate runners, we care about creating a great race experience for runners while helping people all around the world get active and live a healthy lifestyle.